Why would we do anything without Him?…

Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all very blessed and having a great day!
This is now my second time writing this to you as my first one got completely deleted. Because of that I will focus harder on it as it now appears to be an even more important message. This message from our God seems to be expressing His desire to be inside every detail of our lives and to be a part of every issue good or bad. To be involved in every decision, big or small. You can hear in His voice the fact that He wants to be there, be included, and even ultimately to resolve our issues. We must remember that He created us for worship and conversation with Him. He created the heavens so that we can be among Him when we are finished our journey and calling here, He created the earth just to give us a place to live out our callings and to complete His will. Listen to our God as He explains both His willingness and desire to help as well as our ego driven and pride supported decision-making processes that we follow to do it ourselves. What foolish people we are? Who would you rather have get in the middle of your issues? Would you rather have us as flawed and wounded individuals who make decisions based on faulty belief systems and lies (remember we have ALL fallen short of the Glory of God), or would you rather have He who created heaven and earth and split the Red Sea with His breath? I don’t know about you, I am going to go for the second one EVERYTIME. Listen closely to what our God expresses to us about His desires and listen for where you may possibly be getting in the way of Him working in them. It is just like us humans to not follow His directions and complain about where we end up after. We have tried it our way, now let’s try it His.
I hope this speaks to some of you out there and that He can accomplish His will in and through you. I know He has done this in my life and I am absolutely sure He will do it in yours! Until next time brothers and sisters, may He bless you and solve all of your problems according to His greater good will and purpose. God bless.

Posting Date: October 14, 2021

Message Date: October 13, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the entire celestial court by my side. My son what I have just shown you this morning is a process or a roadmap if you will that I desire my children to know and more importantly to understand. My son so many of my children have fallen prey to their own ego and belief that due to their own abilities and/or intelligence that they are the best ones to solve their problems. Is that what my son taught you? Is that what the apostles who learned directly from Him or the disciples that He sent out into the world to do my will taught you? Ask yourself that question my children and then search the Scriptures for your answer. You will not find the answer you may be looking for in order to support your egos need for affirmation or to support that you are made to be that self-sufficient. You are taught to take it all to your God. This includes everything in your life, especially your thoughts; the place where the evil one conducts his best work and causes the most amount of damage in your actions toward yourself and others. Others I have placed in your lives for a reason possibly unknowns to you in the entirety of its purpose. He does this mostly by working through your fears. He then accesses another time in your life in your memories to prove to you that this must be a truth. This will then cause you to act on the fears as if they were a truth. My child you have taught on this before but it is such a tremendously important subject. My children, pray to me to understand this better. Your ministry, I myself put together, is to give them the tools that I have taught you (by “experiential understanding” as well as other ways of my choosing), so that they may learn to use them and to seek me in everything – every struggle as well as every joy. This will lead them out of the darkness if they so choose to use their gift of free will, freeing themselves from the bondage they are currently in. This will not be done on their own merit, for them it is impossible. It will be done by participation with me for with God all things are possible. Pass along to all who will listen, many once again are waiting for it. That is all my son, now go in peace and do that of which you are created to do… Teach. I love you my son, amen.

Audio File Comments on Message:

My experience with Covid and what I learned from Jesus…

Hello my brothers and sisters, I hope you’re all having a blessed day!
I was not planning on posting about Covid whatsoever, when I spent time in prayer today asking our Lord what He wanted me to write about and share? Then I realized that an avid viewer and listener to this blog had written me on the very same topic and I came across this message almost simultaneously.
I am going to start by telling you that I know this is a very sensitive subject, especially for those of whom have lost a loved one to this virus. I do not mean to offend anyone and my prayers are with you and your family for anything to anyone is going through due to it. I am simply trying to be obedient as always in sharing what God gives me for you. I also in this instance have personal experience, as it was my journey in my time with the virus that He is referring to. You will notice that He mentions the “doctors” and the “medicines”. Please do not confuse that with a “vaccine”; He was not referring to a vaccine but instead He was referring to good hydration and the I.V. treatments I had to receive. So please bear with me as I share the message I received and do the best you can regardless of your political belief systems to listen to the points that God is making on this; His point is clear.. He is our answer. I pray the Holy Spirit enlightens you and inspires you with His word. Until next time my brothers and sisters, God bless!

PS. I will be recording a SoundCloud file to explain some of my experience with this… stay tuned.

Posting: August 25, 2021

Message Date: June 17, 2021

Lord: Yes my son, write this down.
It is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. My child you have just been through a devastating illness; one that left you completely hopeless in your physical state of being. But I was there with you the entire time – I never left your side, not for one moment. My child in your total lack of dependency on yourself or even on mankind to help you, who did you call out to? Yes my child it was to me. Even when the darkness appeared so very dark, even when you thought you wouldn’t take another breath here, you cried out to me. I heard you and answered you through the doctors I sent you to and the medicines they provided, but I especially answered you in the midst of your physical despair. This is where by you calling out to me and asking that I rebuke the illness and fever, that you took my yoke upon you and my burden instead of yours. This is where you got the strength and energy to get up and get going. Even though you may have thought it was your last day, I knew the truth and I knew and know all that you have left here to do before that day you will be joining me in paradise. All you have to do is complete the work I have for you first. My child do not be afraid of the evil one or of any of his attacks, for I have defeated anything he could throw at you; this illness should be a prime example of this. Tell all of my children what you have been through and to repeat what you have done in calling out to me. They are not in charge and are not capable of taking care of things as I will do for all of you. Take upon you my yoke and learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart and my yoke is easy and my burden light. That is all my son, now go and share what you have learned from this with your brethren, they are once again waiting on my words. I love you my son, amen.

The working of “Our” will….

Hello brothers and sisters. I hope this finds you well.

Once again God works in strange ways, once again He chooses His will to teach us about our own; and I hate to say it but what He says to me is true when it comes to this, if I didn’t go through it I would never understand it!

After all these years I have realized something about God. When He wishes to make a point known or to have you do something for Him – He will get it done one way or another. So what I just traveled through (apparently on your behalf as well as my own) was another “opportunity” to learn something from Him, but what seems even more important is to be able to receive a “healing” from Him at the same time. He seems to be such a loving Father that He will do whatever He can to give us the ability to activate His power over our fears and our worries. That is what these situations are brothers and sisters… they are “opportunities” to work with Him and to practice our Yes and Obedience to His word. So was the case for me. Something came up around me, I started to feel an all to familiar way about the situation and how “I” believed it would turn out based on previous experience. When all I heard Him say to me was, “Wait”. This one word was all it took to set me off. I have waited for years before for something. I have sat as patiently as possible for a very long time while nothing appeared to happen; this is what I thought this was meaning. I was wrong! Within 24 hours He had completely turned everything around for the better and in such a grander way than I could have imagined, literally affecting the lives of several different people at the same time. Something that was even better than if this had not happened. How humbling to see Him work. How much better of a plan He seems to have than our own. If only we would learn to listen, follow and obey, I bet we would all have so much less to be concerned about. Will we ever learn oh us of little faith.

Until next time brothers and sisters. Talk to you soon, God bless.

Here is the message I received afterward, along with a link to “Principle” number two:

Principle #2 https://rumble.com/vgy2up-the-second-priciple-the-courts-of-heaven.html

May 12, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, is I your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My son all that you have just been through was allowed by me in order to once again give you an experiential understanding so that you may teach your brothers and sisters what I have taught you. My son Jesus taught you not to worry, not to fear and to seek me in all things so that I may provide all that you need. Did you do this my child or did you choose to worry and believe the lies that were speaking to you? Now that you know what they are, repent for believing them above my word and call down my blessings upon your situation. Do this, as you have taught others, in confident faith my son. This working of your will is what allows me to enter directly into your apparent conflict, or opportunity, that you find yourselves in. It allows me to work unhindered to bring about a resolution that is best for all. My son when you allow me to handle the situation for you, many times you (and or the ones involved in it) will receive not just a solution to the issue at hand, but also a healing that needed to be performed in order to quiet the lies you have been listening to and finally allow my truth to set you free. Why my children would you want to resolve your conflict in any other way? Can you bring healing on your own? Can the enemy do this? No, only your loving God has the ability to heal not only the present but also the past which will directly affect the future you arrive into. This is the reason my children I wait for you to come to me with your problems and to invite me into them so I can heal them. This is so much more powerful than you know and by practicing this even with the little things, it will become a habit. Please my son go and teach what I’ve given you today. Many of your brothers and sisters are suffering needlessly because they don’t understand this. They waitโ€ฆ. That is all my son, now go in peace. I love you my son, amen.

Make this your primary desire to understand

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, as always I hope this post finds you well.
I wanted to reach out to you today for a couple of reasons. As you will see in this post, it is very important that we are seeking with all that we have to find God in our lives and the reason that He created us. This is the central theme for today; to earnestly desire understanding why God made us and to specifically learn about our calling? This is something near and dear to me as I have spent many years in search of this. This brings me to another one of my announcements today. For many years, actually 25 of them, I have remained the hidden disciple. This is absolutely how I like it and I have no desire to change it, however God seems to have other plans. He has asked me to make this now my more full-time position in the world and has given me instructions as to what to do about it. I can tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not what I set out to do; I thought that I would only have to get on here every once in a great while and share a message with you. But lately God has shown me the importance of the times we are living and what I was created to do here. I’ll announce more about this in the very near future. For now let me share this post with you that our Lord gave me in October and that He stressed the importance of for everyone!
Brothers and sisters I urge you to listen to this message with your heart and to follow it up with your prayer. God will answer all the questions you have so do not be afraid to ask Him. I am open and eager to hear your comments and your experiences after implementing His wish for all of you. I will be back sooner than I anticipated and I will fill you in on more at that time. Have a very blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving brothers and sisters!

October 17, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, it is your Lord and God and Father. My son all that I have told you about will soon come to pass for all of my children regardless of their personal beliefs. This is why it is so important to keep putting me and my calling on your life in front of everything else. Your entire purpose here, as it should be for all of my children, must be to fulfill what I called you to be and the purpose for my having created you. None of you are made on accident or by mistake. You all have a specific purpose or reason for your creation it comes to my plan or desires for this world and my church; of which you are a member of the body. Make this your primary desire to understand and complete while you are here on earth my children and then what awaits you afterwards eye has not seen and ear has not heard. When you do this my children, I will in turn provide everything else you could possibly ever need. Doesn’t that sound fair to you my child? This is the secret my son, if there was one, for my children to understand. Seek me and the reason I have put you here and I will take care of the rest. This is your calling my children, get started on it before it’s too late. That is all my son, now spread the word I have given you and get some sleep. I love you, amen.

An audio file to go along with this…

“Soon All Will See Their Soul As I See It”

                                                          I urge all of you to PLEASE watch this!

“The Scary Truth – what a hidden plan”
What will you find if you look deeply?





The post I’m going to share with you is regarding a day that is coming where we will all know the truth whether we like it or not. Now I know my brothers and sisters when I have upset the evil one because he tries to stop me. I am trying to put this post out as recently as last week, but as soon as I sat down to do so my computers could not access the Internet any longer that evening. This does not discourage me, it only drives me forward because I know he is afraid of you learning this! So please read on my brothers and sisters and take heed to His words, for that day will surely arrive. God bless until next timeโ€ฆ.

By the way I must make a note that although you see pictures that are pointing out one movie to watch, this by no means influenced this message at this time – in fact the message I received came before I saw this movie myself. But it does start to explain how the evil one has been able to control so many at one time from a very hidden and trance like place in all of our lives. Lord thank you for exposing a TRUTH!

September 26, 2020

Lord: My child be a peace, is I your Lord and God and Father. The day of awakening is close my son. Soon all will see what I see when I look at them. Soon all will see their soul as I see it. What will they see? What will you see yourself? For all it will be a day of enlightenment, but that should be followed by a day of atonement. Mankind has lost their way. They have chosen to live in a world that I created for them without me. The evil one controls their minds by the way that he influences the media and the way my children have worshiped their false idols (I make note that this part personally felt to me to be very strong regarding the media as well as devices – especially cell phones and computers). So very few have recognized him as the reason for all of this mayhem and chaos that your world has been thrown into. The sad thing is that he would gain no ground at all or have even the slightest victory if my children would say, “no” to his invitations to sin. He has no power over you if you do not cooperate with him. He may have influence over some, because of how the laws of spirit in your world work together. But I have given you the tools that you need to dismantle his hold on you. Please use these tools my children; known to you my son as “The Principles”. You have the ability and the authority to stop and even remove all that he has won as a judgment over you. My son his power is a lie to many, but many have chosen to believe this lie. This is what you are listening to when you choose to listen to the news as some of my children do. Don’t do that to yourself, is one of the strongest areas Satan possesses control of in order to control you. Prayer is the answer my children. Prayer and repentance. Pray to me and ask me to expose the lies in your life, then repent for whatever part you have had a responsibility in. You will be surprised as to what some of those things may be. Do this my children; pray and repent and the day I spoke of earlier to you shall go well for you. That is all my son, now go in peace and spread the word that I have given to you. They are waiting on it. I love you my son, Amen.

Our Lord is Frustrated with Us! We are not fighting the REAL enemy!!!!!

God present in His Spirit

Who do you think is fueling this?

Who do you think is behind this?






Good evening brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well.
I have to apologize up front because I know this will be viewed as sensitive nature in the climate we are currently in but I believe that is the point. I have titled this blog post, “our Lord is frustrated with us”because of what He has shared with me about how He feels when He views his children and what they are doing in the world.
Brothers and sisters I have shared with you briefly that God was working on something very big with me and that I would inform you of it when it was time. The time now seems to be approaching and I will tell you this, our Father has shared with me that He is less upset about the parting of His church and the separations that mankind developed in it (see previous post about God having no partiality) than He is about the fact that we are not rallying against the evil one together regardless of our denominations. He has given me many tools and showed me how to use them when it comes to fighting the adversary. All of these I promise to teach you all when the time arrives. Needless to say the evil one knows the rules and the laws that govern the spirit and this world, he also knows how they interact with each other and he is a master of manipulating them just as he did with Job and getting permission over the apostles to sift them as wheat; he has been using them against us for a very long time. I will probably make an audio clip to go along with this one because it deserves some teaching and understanding. For now please hear how our Father has responded to everything going on. Those with ears ought to hear….

Update: You would not believe how many times I was harassed during the creation of this post…. more so than possibly ever before; and that says a lot! This can only be because of the fact we are exposing the true enemy and the one that deserves our fight. To show him how foolish that was, I am going to make an audio link that will explain this much better than a written post. See what he gets when he picks on one of God’s children? We FIGHT back! Another loss in his column because now you will all find out what I am talking about. What a fool he is! It will always back fire on him.

June 9, 2020

My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son I have started to reclaim my people and this world once again. This is the reason for the escalation of violence that has taken over your country. A country blessed by me and chosen among all of them to protect the truth and be a teacher to anyone who would listen. The evil one is behind all of the violence. He has stirred up a rebellious people to cause harm and to mitigate the good message my children are trying to convey. My son the world has a decision to make; does it want to choose me and bring peace to society or do they wish to choose revenge and hatred for one another? The choice is theirs, but either way there is a determined time for me to reclaim all that is mine. That time is upon you. Do not be surprised at what you see for the evil one is fighting with all that he can to stop my plan. At this time I am once again blowing my spirit across the world to wake up mankind and for them to feel the need to repent for their sins and change their lives. Once again the choice is up to them. I place before you life and death my children; to whatever you reach I will give to you, even if that means I give you up to the desires of the flesh. For your last chance at salvation my child is to tell my children that my Son Jesus stands as mediator between the judge and they need to call on Him for His forgiveness and His mercy. That is all my son, now go and get some sleep. Those with ears ought to hear. I love you, amen.

He asks us to “Complete the Mission” we were sent to do.



Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well.
First and foremost, there was no intent on having almost a three week gap between posts. Life with the kids and work just seems to pass by too quickly. So I’ll get to these as I can. Rest assured our Lord has much to share with us!

My brothers and sisters I’m going to take more than a moment to discuss what is happening in the world especially in the United States right now before I share what Jesus had to say because I think it all ties in together. My heart breaks for all the division and all of the people who are getting hurt on any side of what is going on out there. We must remember we are all God’s children and if we simply start with that there’s nothing left to talk about. We must not only respect each other and love and pray for each other, but we also have to remember who is behind all of this in some form or another….. The evil one – we MUST declare war on him!!!!!!
You have to think intelligently and realize if you’re fighting a battle where the real ones behind it are not being recognized because of secrecy then you have to get people to focus on who they are so you can expose them. I will end my point about all of this with the Scripture passage; Ephesians chapter 6: 10-20, entitled “The Armor of God”. Read these words with a deep and open heart and ask the Holy Spirit to explain Himself to you and I think you’ll get where I’m coming from. The answer in the explanation as to what this is and who is behind it is written right here for us. I agree brothers and sisters that black lives matter, but to God all lives matter that He created and in a hidden way the war is against all of us. So let’s gather together regardless of the color of our skin and deal a fatal blow to the enemy by praying against him and his plans for what he is doing to all of us. Let’s take direction from Paul and expose the enemy for who he truly is!


(10) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. (11) Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilโ€™s schemes. (12) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (13) Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (14) Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, (15) and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. (16) In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (17) Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

(18) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lordโ€™s people. (19) Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, (20) for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

There it is brothers and sisters, an explanation for who we are truly at war with. Let’s hurt him in the only way we can…. With prayer! You fight a spiritual battle with spiritual tools ๐Ÿ™‚

Last but not least, I left the ending of the Scripture on this; where Paul pleads for prayers for him so that he may move forward fearlessly and make known the mystery shown to him. I guess that was a bit subliminal, as I certainly would appreciate those prayers from all of you, this has been a long painful journey to do this for Him, riddled with roadblocks and attacks everywhere – but I will NOT quit! Until next time my brothers and sisters, God bless all of you!

Now please listen to how it pains Jesus to see what is happening to us because of this invisible enemy. Also look what He promises to do for us at the end if we do. By the way isn’t it ironic that this was back in March and He says “Much more is to come upon this world of sin and corruption”? I have a feeling it isn’t over yet.

March 15, 2020

Lord: My son write this down, it is I your Lord and God and Savior Jesus. There is much more to come upon this world of sin and corruption. It pains me to see even one person lose a loved one during this outbreak of this virus; but it also pains me even more to see one of my children go to hell eternally because of how they lived their lives here on this earth. How greedy and how selfish my children have become. I died so that they too may have eternal life with me here in heaven. My son it is now the time (the time you have arrived into) where sin will be all but eradicated and good shall once again cover the earth. Do not fear any of this my child, I will let no harm come to you. Continue praying, especially for your enemies and I will put enmity between you and evil; between his attacks and your life’s mission. My child that is what it is all about while you are here; completing the mission you were sent here to do. That is all my son, now go in peace and remain calm even when the rest of the world is panicking. I love you my son, Amen.

An audio file on my thoughts about this. Be prepared if you listen, it is a bit lengthy (a little over 9 minutes). Thanks for listening.


Nature is returning back to its Roots…. So should we says Our Father

Look how peaceful they look coming back

They were here first!








Our best answer yet!




Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope you are all doing as well as possible and you are all safe!
I can’t begin to tell you how much I have to share with you but I tried to discern what our Lord wants me to be giving you at what time. There is an overriding theme that I received from Him which keeps pointing out the importance of the good that He has brought out of this tragedy. Brothers and sisters as our Lord has pointed out to me several times, He did not bring this upon us but in many ways our sins did. He however makes a crooked way straight and He brings all things to work for His good including this. I mentioned in a recent post about the observations of families and how people seem to be coming together now more than they ever have; this is an example of the good He is doing. In this post this evening, our Father makes mention of the fact that nature is returning back to its roots, whether it be land or sea. We are seeing animals acting as if their natural habitats have been restored to some degree. What I pray for everyone during this is that whatever purpose or reason He is reaching out to you that it may be completed and fulfilled according to his will. Thank you my brothers and sisters for listening and I will now transcribe what our Lord gave me about this for all of you. May God bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon all of you! Until next time my brothers and sisters, God bless!

April 21, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My child the world is in desperate need of healing. This is true for my children as well as the earth I created for you to live in. Even now as we speak like this, there are parts of the world – my perfect creation – that are getting a long overdue break from all of the poisons you release into it on a daily basis. You have seen my created wildlife starting to return to areas that used to be their homes. This is true on land and at sea. My son the reason I am pointing this out to you is to show others to learn by looking at that part of creation and to see it returning back to its roots. Mankind must do the same thing. It must return to me their God if there is any hope of being saved. I want the world to take a break from all of its busyness and return to a simpler time where they were not too busy to sit with me and to talk to me. A time when patience had to be a normal part of their day and they didn’t expect to solve their problems in the blink of an eye the way your technology has trained you to be now. My child there is not much time left before I have to intervene and put an end to this apparent reign of evil that has taken over the hearts and minds of so many of my children. This evil will come to an end my son but in the meantime I wish all of my children to cry out to me so I can show them the error of their ways; some are aware of what they are doing, others not so much. There is coming a day my child when all will see what they have done. I am trying to reach as many of them as I can before that glorious day falls upon you so that they have an enjoyable experience and not the sorrowful one so many souls are now being prepared to experience. Come and be with me my children and I will enlighten you as to what you need to do to make it as good for you as is possible with the current state of your souls. I am coming my children, how much I wish you to be prepared when the bridegroom arrives. That is all my son, now go and share with all who will listen. Those with ears ought to hear. I love you my son, amen.

Please forgive the “P”‘s and the popping sounds, I was close to the microphone and I had to talk quietly in order to not wake the kids…

Could something else be coming if we don’t repent?…..


Will this protect your soul?


Or this?…

This is what we need from them – Humility!

Our “Vaccine”…

Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope this post finds you well! There is so much for me to cover with you as God has been very active during this time, but I am sharing with you something I feel is a top priority or a hierarchy of needs if you will. Although our Lord has been very vocal about what is going on in society right now and I have many things to share with you, I feel the fact that he has mentioned “something else coming” as an important topic. I imagine you would agree with me as we sit in unprecedented times for the world and the church. Our Father continues to emphasize the importance of turning to Him during this pandemic. As a little boost of confirmation, I was searching for the pictures that our Lord showed me in prayer tonight and I came across a story that Hulk Hogan of all people actually put out on his Instagram. He gets it, a celebrity who actually understands that God is in this! Once again my brothers and sisters I will repeat what our Lord told me; he did not bring this to us but our own sin did and we need to do something about it. You will see some pictures at the top of this post that show what lengths people have gone to in order to try and protect themselves and you will also see some pictures of what lengths people have gone to to reach out to God. He is our vaccine my brothers and sisters, He is our answer. I will probably do an audio bit for this as well and attach it whenever I can. I hope you hear His words clearly brothers and sisters for He has been adamant about turning back to Him! God bless you and I will do what I can to get other posts out to you as I am able. Stay safe, stay on your knees in humility and call out to Him – He will answer you!

March 26, 2020

Note: I was heading off to bed when I was directed to write this.

Lord: (Yes my son write what I tell you)ย  My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Not long from now and you will hear another tragedy that will befall mankind. My children have in large part not turned back to me as their God and Father. Many have returned home to their families; some against their own will, but few have returned to me. Because of this another wake-up call must be sent to them in hopes of them repenting of their ways and seeking my forgiveness. The United States will suffer financial burden but all who call upon me will be saved in various ways. Other parts of the world will suffer their own fate due to the worshiping of idols and the lack of moral compass they are guided by. All of this my son can and will be used for good if my children would just call out my name. I wait as an eager parent does for the return of their lost children. You can lessen the effects of all of these things by your fasting and your prayer. The laws are established in heaven and they can be worked to your advantage or your disadvantage; that is largely up to you and your decisions. Come home my children, your loving Father awaits your return. That is all my son now go in peace. I love you, amen.


Hulk Hogan’s article I mentioned (check out his instagram page for a great message and picture)


Lets NOT miss out on the time He has given us in this! Lets Repent NOW….

Hello my brothers and sisters, I pray you are all well.

As promised I wanted to share with you some of my insight I have learned listening to Our Lord speak about this virus and what He appears to be doing using it for His good; this includes my “own” perspective as well! God bless!

More posts to come after this, but for now these are in my own words. If you need clarification to any of it, comment and I will respond to the best of my ability.