You will never solve your problems better than I could do…

Hello my brothers and sisters, as usual I pray this finds you well. Let me start by saying Merry CHRISTmas!!!

I would have had this to you earlier but as usual when I have a great message to share with you, my electronics go berserk; so it was with this one last Thursday when I started this and attempted to post before going away for a few days. My entire message was prevented from posting and my microphone stopped working and kept typing the wrong words when it did. This means we are onto something threatening to the enemy my friends, so please pay attention to the message I received in adoration very carefully. I don’t know why but it seems our Lord’s direction for me has been to share with you His desire for our healing vs other content that He has shared through this platform before such as prophecy regarding our times etc. I do not to prophetically claim why that is, other than I can feel a side of our loving Father who wants His children free of the “unnecessary” pain of life when He knows that we get enough to handle without the past interfering. It kind of reminds me of Matthew 6: 25-34 because Jesus said that today had enough of its own evil or problems. I guess we don’t need to be creating more or carrying into today “yesterdays” problems and that may be what He is trying to help us resolve. This is definitely bigger than I am brothers and sisters and I hope I am helping in cooperating on my small part in this need. Please read the message and meditate on it over and over again. Please know one more thing; I am not complaining (because it wouldn’t do me any good anyway – just ask Job), but I want you to know why I am away from this for what sometimes may seem like a long delay in my posting. It is because just like Paul, much of what I share with you comes from God teaching me through not just listening, but what He calls “experiential understanding”. What this means in a nut shell is I get to travel through and experience exactly what I am teaching you about including the suffering so that He makes sure I understand it from your shoes the best I can. Believe me it is not fun and probably one of the parts of this job I like the least, but it does do what He intended it to do. There is nothing I share with you I do not go through myself. This process however does take some time to go through so I ask of you to be patient with me as I perform the task He has given me. Thank you my brothers and sisters in advance for your patience in this mission. God bless!

By the way I just received a text as I was typing this which happened to be a prayer and I think I am going to post it here after the message. I believe God wanted us to see and pray this.

Posting Date: December 27, 2021

Message Date: December 16, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son all is well, just like it was for the apostles and disciples of my son. Do you know how much better they would have done if they just quieted down and trusted me that all was well? I your Lord and God have all things in my hands at all times; all I desire from you is to continue to say your “yes” to me about everything. This is all you must do and then wait for my answer before you do anything else. This is the law at work and it is how things operate. Through calm and trust I can work my miracles in your lives. Be patient and let me act my children, for too many of you are pursuing your own goals based upon your broken belief systems which are faulty and racked with pain. It is where you operate from when you react and defend yourselves like you do. This is unnecessary. Only one can be in charge. Which one do you want handling your problems? Me or you? I am perfect, you are flawed in your thinking and your actions that have come from those thoughts. I ask you again, who do you want solving your problems and providing miraculous solutions to them? Your job is to just give them to me and walk away smiling, knowing I have this covered. Sounds so easy doesn’t it? That is because it is. The only thing stopping you is “you”. Your past pains and experiences have caused you to not trust anyone (in many cases) – including me. This is why you all need my healing, you’re all wounded and see things only through your own eyes. You will never solve your problems better than I can do. You or your ego will never create an answer that benefits so many at one time. Although you may choose one that causes just as much if not more pain. I do not have that effect, I am love and peace and everything that is good. You are fallen and on your own you are capable of much destruction due to where you make your decisions from. My servant Job had to learn the same thing. He had to realize how wrong his thinking was and I had to allow him to be brought low enough for him to discover it. Are you greater than he? Oh you of such pride. Can you not see what you are doing to yourself and others? That’s right, you can’t, but I can. So only listen to “my” voice and not your own. I know what needs to be done with each and every one of you to come to this place. Just like my servant Job, I love you enough to let it happen. That is all my son, now go and give this word; many, many have been waiting for it. I love you my son, amen.


The prayer I received in text while writing this. Can’t hurt to pray it and it came at a good time for me! Notice the part where it says to give us a double portion of “Your Mind” to take back all the devil has stolen. Once again a reference to our “minds/thoughts” and what a powerful arena that is for the devil to play in. I searched days ago for any unbiased scripture references as to where God asks us to pray for intelligence of the mind and I was surprised I think I found just the opposite. The link to that page is below; discern for yourself what the scriptures are trying to teach us.

The prayer text I spoke of is the following:

It is titled “One minute of powerful prayer” exactly as it appeared on my text. Thank you sister for sending this…

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, bless me as I read this prayer. Specially bless the person who sent it to me. Over the spiritual doors in our life on this day. Save and release! Give us a double portion of your mind to take back all that the devil has stolen.

Emotional health, physical health, finances.

Relationships, children, employment, housing, marriage.

I cancel every conspiracy, every plan and strategy that the enemy has put in place against us, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

And I declare that…

Any weapon forged against us will be zero and without effect.

I declare life in every situation dead and I think you, father, because nothing is over until you have said it is over! Consequently, I prophetically declare in our lives and situations that…

Our families are blessed;
Our health is blessed;
Our marriages are blessed;
Our finances are blessed;
Our business is blessed;
Our jobs are blessed;
Our children are blessed;
Our little children are blessed;
Our parents are blessed;
Our family members are blessed;
Our ministries are blessed;
Our decisions are blessed;
Our debts are paid and canceled;
The desires of our hearts are on the way according to your perfect will and your plans for our lives.
In the name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

By the way if you made it this far good for you! I just wanted you all to know more work on the “Principles” and the “Cycle that must be broken” is coming soon!



I have NEVER done this before!

Disclaimer: This may appear to be about me… and that is because it is, it is “my story”. But it is also about “you” to the same degree as we all have one. You cannot escape that!


This is NOT a message as you may be used to here, but a lesson in freedom! I have never used this site for anything but to share those messages; which I will continue to do, but God has asked me to do this now! If you are here only for a message please stop reading now and tune into the next posting. If however, you are looking for a healing from God or you are doing all you can to improve or change your circumstances in life and feel like you climb uphill all the time no matter how much you pray – READ ON….

God has been working tirelessly with me for weeks; actually its years in the making only to start making sense now. As you are aware, on this site there have been the messages and the wisdom He has asked me to share, but there have also been the “Principles” He has asked me to teach you so that we could finally be free from the bondage we find ourselves in and to learn how to take back our rights from the enemy. Well, He seems to building off of that and to make it even more interesting, He seems to be focused on this idea of our “Healing” more than anything else. When He teaches me these things, I feel such a loving Father present. One that does not want His children suffering anymore than they have to – it is very compassionate when I experience this. Remember God is “Love” and “Love” is an emotion He gave us so it would make sense to feel that, right? Okay so here is what I am doing… I am attaching three YouTube links to this posting and that is all (I may do a commentary but I truly see that as redundant at this time). It is almost three hours of sharing and teaching what He has shown me regarding this. I advise you to get a journal and even a bible if you desire and follow along. He is going to teach us how the enemy gets to us but more importantly how we cooperate with it without even knowing it. He is also going to show us what all of this means and how to do something about these things that keep happening to us over and over again. I don’t know that I need to say more because, like I said it is almost three hours itself broken into three separate teachings; the title of the series is, “The Cycle that Must be Broken” and it contains links to the chart and documents I am teaching from; remember, we are not grading me on the punctuation etc, these are just my notes I created while learning this so I felt like I would share them too – feel free to make your own :-). I wish you all the best with it and PLEASE share your feedback as this was in response to many emails I received on this topic and prayer requests. May God bless all of you. Until next time…

PS. This information is so critically important to help us change this in our lives that I really want you to listen slowly and only digest as much as you can before continuing. It is a video, so pause it and replay or re-listen as many times as you need to until it makes sense to you. If you get stuck on a part, go back over it again. Write down whatever comes to your own mind about what is being shared and take it to Him. Also PLEASE do not forget to pray before, during and even after viewing this information so God can speak to your heart regarding the “truth” behind all of this. You will not regret it, I promise!

PSS. I must tell you that during the making of this information, I had more computer glitches and crashes than I have ever experienced working on anything for this site. Now, that is normal to a degree as I know red legs doesn’t like me sharing anything with you, but this was over the top! I literally had everything I wrote and created disappear and get deleted three separate times… that is when I knew we were onto something big! I even had the entire computer crash when attempting to upload the videos so take that as an example of one of the “Principles” I shared with you – “How to take apart a demonic attack”. Remember in that one, God said that the enemy will only come after that which threatens him, so…. I guess this is really good stuff!

Video One: “The Incident”

Video Two: “The Cycle Explained”

Video Three: “The Remedy”

Why would we do anything without Him?…

Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all very blessed and having a great day!
This is now my second time writing this to you as my first one got completely deleted. Because of that I will focus harder on it as it now appears to be an even more important message. This message from our God seems to be expressing His desire to be inside every detail of our lives and to be a part of every issue good or bad. To be involved in every decision, big or small. You can hear in His voice the fact that He wants to be there, be included, and even ultimately to resolve our issues. We must remember that He created us for worship and conversation with Him. He created the heavens so that we can be among Him when we are finished our journey and calling here, He created the earth just to give us a place to live out our callings and to complete His will. Listen to our God as He explains both His willingness and desire to help as well as our ego driven and pride supported decision-making processes that we follow to do it ourselves. What foolish people we are? Who would you rather have get in the middle of your issues? Would you rather have us as flawed and wounded individuals who make decisions based on faulty belief systems and lies (remember we have ALL fallen short of the Glory of God), or would you rather have He who created heaven and earth and split the Red Sea with His breath? I don’t know about you, I am going to go for the second one EVERYTIME. Listen closely to what our God expresses to us about His desires and listen for where you may possibly be getting in the way of Him working in them. It is just like us humans to not follow His directions and complain about where we end up after. We have tried it our way, now let’s try it His.
I hope this speaks to some of you out there and that He can accomplish His will in and through you. I know He has done this in my life and I am absolutely sure He will do it in yours! Until next time brothers and sisters, may He bless you and solve all of your problems according to His greater good will and purpose. God bless.

Posting Date: October 14, 2021

Message Date: October 13, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the entire celestial court by my side. My son what I have just shown you this morning is a process or a roadmap if you will that I desire my children to know and more importantly to understand. My son so many of my children have fallen prey to their own ego and belief that due to their own abilities and/or intelligence that they are the best ones to solve their problems. Is that what my son taught you? Is that what the apostles who learned directly from Him or the disciples that He sent out into the world to do my will taught you? Ask yourself that question my children and then search the Scriptures for your answer. You will not find the answer you may be looking for in order to support your egos need for affirmation or to support that you are made to be that self-sufficient. You are taught to take it all to your God. This includes everything in your life, especially your thoughts; the place where the evil one conducts his best work and causes the most amount of damage in your actions toward yourself and others. Others I have placed in your lives for a reason possibly unknowns to you in the entirety of its purpose. He does this mostly by working through your fears. He then accesses another time in your life in your memories to prove to you that this must be a truth. This will then cause you to act on the fears as if they were a truth. My child you have taught on this before but it is such a tremendously important subject. My children, pray to me to understand this better. Your ministry, I myself put together, is to give them the tools that I have taught you (by “experiential understanding” as well as other ways of my choosing), so that they may learn to use them and to seek me in everything – every struggle as well as every joy. This will lead them out of the darkness if they so choose to use their gift of free will, freeing themselves from the bondage they are currently in. This will not be done on their own merit, for them it is impossible. It will be done by participation with me for with God all things are possible. Pass along to all who will listen, many once again are waiting for it. That is all my son, now go in peace and do that of which you are created to do… Teach. I love you my son, amen.

Audio File Comments on Message:

He has started to reclaim His people and this world once again….

Hello brothers and sisters, I hope you all doing well

This morning I sat in meditation for hours and I received much wisdom. I am always grateful when that happens, as it opens my eyes and my heart and my understanding as to who God is and what He seems to care about the most. He is always trying to teach us, He is always informing us of things that matter. Thank you Lord for doing that!

So my brothers and sisters even as I sat myself today reviewing my own messages on YouTube under a title of “Light of Mary” which one of you readers has informed me about. I was astonished to see that these messages mean so much to people and that someone even took it upon themselves to start broadcasting to more brothers and sisters than I had an ability to reach. Thank you “Light of Mary” for taking on the responsibility of that call. Every once in a while I get to broadcast some good news and I feel elated to do so. Today is one of those days. As I sat praying this morning into the early afternoon asking God what He wanted me to share today I was led to this message that I’m giving you now from June of 2020; once again He is outside of “time”. But in this message, God says to us that He is coming back to reclaim His people and this world once again. In my opinion… It’s about time! Only kidding, His timing is perfect. So please brothers and sisters read on and hear what our Father Has to say to us regarding the times that we live in. I will talk to you soon brothers and sisters, until then God bless!

Posting: September 14, 2021

Message Date: June 9, 2020

Lord: my child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son I have started to reclaim my people and this world once again. This is the reason for the escalation of violence that has taken over your country. A country blessed by me and chosen among all of them to protect the truth and to be a teacher to anyone who would listen. The evil one is behind all of the violence. He has stirred up a rebellious people to cause harm and to mitigate the good messages my children are trying to convey. My son the world has a decision to make; does it want to choose me and bring peace to society or do they wish to choose revenge and hatred for one another? The choice is theirs, but either way there is a determined time for me to reclaim all that is mine. That time is upon you, do not be surprised at what you see for the evil one is fighting with all that he can to stop my plan. At this time I am once again blowing my spirit across the world to wake up mankind and for them to feel a need to repent for their sins and to change their lives. Once again the choice is up to them. I placed before you life and death my children; to whatever you reach I will give to you, even if that means I give you up to the desires of the flesh for your last chance at salvation. My child tell my children that my Son Jesus stands as mediator between the judge and that they need to call on Him for His forgiveness and His mercy. That is all my son, now go and get some sleep. I love you, amen.


By the way as promised in the last message, here is an audio file on my comments about it as well as an audio clip for today’s message.



I am back and sharing His word again!

Dearest brothers and sisters, I want to start by thanking you for your prayers during this time. It was a rough spell but everything is doing well physically once again. I discovered two things while I was “away” for lack of better term. One, I had discovered I was running from Him in my life and two that there is absolutely nothing existing as a fear that is too big for God to handle and take you through it for healing that is worth keeping from Him. What I mean by this is we are all paralyzed by fear in our lives; some things seem insurmountable and we would rather not see it or even think about it so we leave it buried. This is a huge mistake! If we hold onto it God can’t heal it (remember this is a general rule as God is omnipotent and can do whatever He would like to). The rule here is DO NOT BE AFRAID, He will not let you experience pain or anything else when you bring this to Him.

So that is the big lesson I came out of this illness with after almost a month of semi-conscious days/nights. I almost feel like a hypocrite because here I am telling you this and I am currently battling one of the most important struggles in my own personal life that I have ever come across (and that says a lot). I am going to ask you ALL for your prayers to defeat the strongholds I am up against and to bring a full and complete healing to the people and to the situation that is being fought for. I believe this is a direct assault on me due to the agreement I made to do this ministry publicly and to share EVERYTHING God has given to me to share, but only He knows the truth in any of it.

Brothers and sisters, I was looking through my last journal book to locate a timeline on something when I came across a bunch of messages that have not been posted. I saw this one and was drawn to share it with you. May this bring some hope to us all that this thing will finally have its end! God bless.

September 17, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son you discern correctly (the Spirit does) when it comes to your purpose and mission. The day is fast approaching my child for the day of the Awakening for all of mankind. This will be a day of truth for everyone regardless of what they have chosen to believe, or not to believe. The day will be the same for all. All will see their soul as your God sees it; nothing will remain hidden and all truth will be revealed to them. Do not worry or react to what you see happening around you on a daily basis, it is just the front put on by the evil one who knows his time is short. Already he has begun to lose power as the last of his time granted by me to test the church comes to an end. It will be a glorious day as all lies will be uncovered and once again my children will know the truth. Your job my son is to help them. Help them to be free from the bondage and the snares the enemy has kept them tied up in. Help them with all the tools I have given to you over these years and help me to lead them to the truth; the truth about the enemy and how he operates in their lives as well as to the truth as to who they are as my children – children of the most high and heirs to my kingdom. I wish all to share in this reward, but only those who have repented for their sins and taken up their cross will be admitted. This is your mission my son and it is about to begin on the larger platform I have been telling you about. That is all my child, now go and prepare for your day is at hand. I love you my son, amen.

The evil one is a thief…

Hello Brothers and sisters, I hope everyone is well.

I never stop being amazed at how much our Father loves us! Time after time He shows me how badly He wants us to be happy and to live the life we are meant to live. It is also amazing how easy it seems for the evil one to manipulate us. He knows our weaknesses, he knows our hot buttons. He spends all of his time trying to frustrate as many as he can in order for them to lose their peace and calmness of heart.
The beauty in these principles is that it levels the playing field gives us a fair fight against the one who loves to remain hidden and to work behind the shadows. By calling these things out, we put a spotlight where he is and we force him to show his hand. Once uncovered and able to be seen, we can dismantle and even turn around the attack that has him placed upon us. If you go back and look at my fourth teaching on taking apart a demonic attack, you may just find the truth that has been evading you for sometime. Once you have that truth you can now speak it out over the situation and claim victory in it! Believe it or not it can be that easy. Let’s listen to what our Father had to say regarding this and what message He wants us to hear so that we can take the reality and the totality of our gifts and use them for his greater purposes. Thanks for listening….

May 20, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son pay no attention to what you see happening around you – I am healing things as we speak. As you can see there are many of my children who need the words I give you. I give them to you not only for yourself, but for them. You are my chosen delivery method to allow them to learn what they must do to combat the forces of evil that fight for the rights to them and their ability to thrive in the life I have given them. The evil one is a thief and like all thieves he tries to take what doesn’t belong to him. By understanding how the enemy works my children you can beat him at his own game. You can defeat him and reclaim what is rightfully yours. I wish only the best for each and every one of you and I want to shower you with blessings and grace. Make the decision my little ones, make it for life so that you can receive it in abundance. I will not force myself upon any of you, but I will answer to all who call on me. My son your lives are about a series of choices, one after the other which ultimately leads you to where you are. I will honor whatever one’s you make knowing that you will not always choose the right way. If that happens my children, do not worry for I can make a crooked path straight. Repent and get back up again asking my help and dedicating yourself to my service. I will take care of the rest. That is all my son, now go in peace; “knowing” I love you, Amen.

Here is a Soundcloud file for today as well as the links to my Third and Fourth “Principles”:

Third Principle – “The Scales of Justice”

Fourth Principle – “Taking apart a demonic attack”.

The working of “Our” will….

Hello brothers and sisters. I hope this finds you well.

Once again God works in strange ways, once again He chooses His will to teach us about our own; and I hate to say it but what He says to me is true when it comes to this, if I didn’t go through it I would never understand it!

After all these years I have realized something about God. When He wishes to make a point known or to have you do something for Him – He will get it done one way or another. So what I just traveled through (apparently on your behalf as well as my own) was another “opportunity” to learn something from Him, but what seems even more important is to be able to receive a “healing” from Him at the same time. He seems to be such a loving Father that He will do whatever He can to give us the ability to activate His power over our fears and our worries. That is what these situations are brothers and sisters… they are “opportunities” to work with Him and to practice our Yes and Obedience to His word. So was the case for me. Something came up around me, I started to feel an all to familiar way about the situation and how “I” believed it would turn out based on previous experience. When all I heard Him say to me was, “Wait”. This one word was all it took to set me off. I have waited for years before for something. I have sat as patiently as possible for a very long time while nothing appeared to happen; this is what I thought this was meaning. I was wrong! Within 24 hours He had completely turned everything around for the better and in such a grander way than I could have imagined, literally affecting the lives of several different people at the same time. Something that was even better than if this had not happened. How humbling to see Him work. How much better of a plan He seems to have than our own. If only we would learn to listen, follow and obey, I bet we would all have so much less to be concerned about. Will we ever learn oh us of little faith.

Until next time brothers and sisters. Talk to you soon, God bless.

Here is the message I received afterward, along with a link to “Principle” number two:

Principle #2

May 12, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, is I your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My son all that you have just been through was allowed by me in order to once again give you an experiential understanding so that you may teach your brothers and sisters what I have taught you. My son Jesus taught you not to worry, not to fear and to seek me in all things so that I may provide all that you need. Did you do this my child or did you choose to worry and believe the lies that were speaking to you? Now that you know what they are, repent for believing them above my word and call down my blessings upon your situation. Do this, as you have taught others, in confident faith my son. This working of your will is what allows me to enter directly into your apparent conflict, or opportunity, that you find yourselves in. It allows me to work unhindered to bring about a resolution that is best for all. My son when you allow me to handle the situation for you, many times you (and or the ones involved in it) will receive not just a solution to the issue at hand, but also a healing that needed to be performed in order to quiet the lies you have been listening to and finally allow my truth to set you free. Why my children would you want to resolve your conflict in any other way? Can you bring healing on your own? Can the enemy do this? No, only your loving God has the ability to heal not only the present but also the past which will directly affect the future you arrive into. This is the reason my children I wait for you to come to me with your problems and to invite me into them so I can heal them. This is so much more powerful than you know and by practicing this even with the little things, it will become a habit. Please my son go and teach what I’ve given you today. Many of your brothers and sisters are suffering needlessly because they don’t understand this. They wait…. That is all my son, now go in peace. I love you my son, amen.

Offer yourselves to me my children…

Hello brothers and sisters, as always I hope this post finds you well.
I am going to write about the message I received for you all, but I’m also going to make note of the video I just posted on Rumble which is the beginning of the teachings of the “Principles”. if you wish to learn more about those, go ahead and click the link I place at the bottom of this post and it will take you to the video.

So as I share this message with you I was very moved to hear our Lord in a merciful way describe the fact that we cooperate together in accomplishing His will. He says working together we work as the body, that we are constantly healing what has been damaged by sin. Brothers and sisters I don’t know about you but I find this very humbling. The Almighty and the creator of all things has chosen to use us to accomplish the work that He does here. Although He has much more than just this that He does, this is the method He has chosen to perform this aspect of who He is. I say the term, “who He is”, because it’s impossible to know all that He is doing. In this message brothers and sisters our Father makes sure to remind us that we can hear the voice of His son. That is a definitive and not a suggestion. Why would we not wish to seek that? Why would we wish to try to figure things out on our own when God has promised to make a crooked way straight. I don’t know about you but I am darned sure that He has a better way of doing things than I do. As you read this message brothers and sisters feel him speak to you as well, for these are never meant just for me. May God reveal to you your mission and your purpose here. I pray this today to our Father in Jesus’s holy name, Amen.

April 30, 2021

Lord: my child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son you are doing my will, the will of why I created you. You are my apostle of these latter days. My children suffer and because of the gift I have given you, you feel it too. This is part of the cross you now bear as a member of the body of Christ. Do not fear it, for it will help those you feel this for if they will listen. I am their Father and I love them. If you could see the unnecessary pain I see, you would gladly bear this cross for them. Your job is to simply teach what I teach. Someone else will water, someone else will yet fertilize; this is not your responsibility unless I ask this of you. Together you work as the body, constantly participating in the healing of what has been damaged by sin. This is the way it shall be according to my plan until the end when sin shall be no more among you. Offer yourselves to me my children and I will use all of you in one way or another. Never has the harvest been so much and the laborers so very few among those who have been called. My Son taught you to listen for His voice. He is the good Shepherd and you are His sheep; you will recognize His voice my children, otherwise He would not have taught you that you could. Listen for Him. He is contrary to what the world teaches you, but listen to Him anyway. He has the words of eternal life and they are already alive within you. That is all my son, now go and share what I have given you. Many sheep will learn to hear from it. I love you my son, amen.


Audio on this:

God wishes that day to go well for us!

Good afternoon brothers and sisters, I pray you are all doing wonderfully!
Today brothers and sisters I’m going to start a new leg of this journey, I am going to share with you a message I received that I am also going to give you a link to the very first video that I have ever shot in my life. When I say it is the first video, I mean it! I didn’t even shoot a selfie until this year. Exposing myself even in the form of pictures is not something that I’m used to, nor is it anything I wish to do on a regular basis. But I guess God has other plans. He has asked me to now go public and being obedient to my spiritual director I have started a video page on Rumble. I have sent this to a small group of people who have supported me and/or been close to me in one way or another during this journey. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your early feedback and for your support of this ministry as well as myself. I do not need to go on about this as the link will be in this post. I will also record an audio for this as well as this seems to be helping many of you more so than just the print. I wish you all a blessed day and I will be back soon. Please listen to what our Lord has to say in this message and here incredible mercy He has for us and our souls. God bless brothers and sisters.

April 13, 2021

Lord: My son be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My child continue this ministry. Continue teaching about the weapons I have given you. You have been chosen to be tasked with this responsibility and it is your life’s work to be accomplished by you. Do not worry about what others say or think, only what I do. Your brothers and sisters across the world are listening and applying that of which you have shared. Rights are being taken back and curses removed every day because of this. This is what I called you to do; minister to them and help to empower them so that they can use their “choice”to remove these burdens from their lives. Many more doors will open for this ministry soon and you will broadcast this message to a larger forum. My child tell my children I wish them to be free from all of the bondage and spiritual turmoil that they are in. The great day I have spoken to you about is almost here and is currently upon you already in many ways. Be prepared to see “truth” that day my children regardless of what you believe or don’t believe. It will go well for you that day if you have lessened or alleviated the hold that some of this has on you and if your strongholds have been broken. This is an opportunity of “Grace” my children, please take it. My son many souls will be in a state of shock and confusion and there will not be enough of my shepherds to guide them. This was all a plan from the evil one (This reduction of my shepherds) – my added understanding there – to disrupt my great act of mercy and to leave my children in a state of despair and helplessness. But I have you my precious children to assist me in this; greater is He in you than he in the world. You will be all that is needed. Ask me to show you your soul my children and I will do so. I want all of you to experience that day as joy my children and that you can finally see what I see. Pray and I will reveal this my precious children. That is all my son, now go in peace and share what I have given you. It is now up to you. I love you my son, amen.



Here is a link to my video I shot for all of you. Please know this is the first time I have done something like this and I aim to improve!

The work continues… He did His part!

Let Him pierce your soul!

Hello my brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well.
I just wanted to take a quick moment and share with you another message I received on Good Friday. This time our Lord and Savior Jesus was reaching out to us to repent and to believe. Brothers and sisters, as our Lord explains in this message today He has completed His part in His sacrifice for us. Now brothers and sisters it is time for Him to work through us. I always wondered what He meant when He said, “greater things that I have done shall you do”. Now I think I understand, it is not really “us” who is doing anything, but it is the “Him” in us.
As I sit and listen to the birds singing behind me today I am overwhelmed by the simplicity and the generous loving heart that our Lord taught us from. Take a moment brothers and sisters can go outside and listen. When you do think of the Scripture Matthew chapter 6 verses 25 through 34. Understand the truth behind those words, He promises that if we put Him first, He will take care of everything else we could possibly worry about! What a loving God and Father we have. So now let’s do our part and offer Him ourselves as a vessel to be used for whatever He wishes. Let’s make the time we have left here dedicated to seeking out the reason for His creation of us and the purpose of why He made us. We will get what we ask for brothers and sisters, only this time imagine the world that we could wake up in? This was a brief but important message that I wanted to pass on to you all. I will talk to you soon, as always God bless!

PS. By the way I want to give a quick explanation as to His opening line about helping Him up. While receiving this message I was at the Altar of Repose ( when a woman fell down on the floor behind me. I went over to help her up and didn’t think another thing about it. Then He spoke with the following message and He reminded me that what we do to the least of them, we are “Truly” doing to Him. Wow!

April 2, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, thank you for helping me up a moment ago. It is I your Lord and God and Savior, Jesus. My son today is the day I died for your sins. Today is the day I sacrificed everything I had for all of you. Today is the day the victory was won against the devil, for the reconciliation and adoption I was sent to complete for my Father was completed. You became sons and daughters of the most high and I your brother. My son many still do not know me or they have turned away from me for the lures of this world. Much reconciliation still needs to be done for the sins of mankind. The adoption is complete, but the need to repent and turn back to your God is still present. It is true, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Not many offer themselves to me to use as my Father deems fit. The world is in great need of healing. I will never have to sacrifice myself again as that work has already been completed and that part is finished, but conversion still needs to happen for a large part of humanity. My son, tell my children to repent and to believe. To follow the teachings my Father has given to you and to turn away from the evil that has invaded your lives. Give the devil a fight when it comes to pulling you away from me and toward himself. Pray my children and it will be revealed to you as to where he is in your lives. Then you can make the choices like I did to rebuke, deny and ultimately overpower him in what he is attempting to do to you. Just look at me and what I did to conquer him. Take up your cross and follow me my children, it will lead to paradise. That is all my son, now go in peace and share what I have given you to share. I love you my child, Amen.