I have NEVER done this before!

Disclaimer: This may appear to be about me… and that is because it is, it is “my story”. But it is also about “you” to the same degree as we all have one. You cannot escape that!


This is NOT a message as you may be used to here, but a lesson in freedom! I have never used this site for anything but to share those messages; which I will continue to do, but God has asked me to do this now! If you are here only for a message please stop reading now and tune into the next posting. If however, you are looking for a healing from God or you are doing all you can to improve or change your circumstances in life and feel like you climb uphill all the time no matter how much you pray – READ ON….

God has been working tirelessly with me for weeks; actually its years in the making only to start making sense now. As you are aware, on this site there have been the messages and the wisdom He has asked me to share, but there have also been the “Principles” He has asked me to teach you so that we could finally be free from the bondage we find ourselves in and to learn how to take back our rights from the enemy. Well, He seems to building off of that and to make it even more interesting, He seems to be focused on this idea of our “Healing” more than anything else. When He teaches me these things, I feel such a loving Father present. One that does not want His children suffering anymore than they have to – it is very compassionate when I experience this. Remember God is “Love” and “Love” is an emotion He gave us so it would make sense to feel that, right? Okay so here is what I am doing… I am attaching three YouTube links to this posting and that is all (I may do a commentary but I truly see that as redundant at this time). It is almost three hours of sharing and teaching what He has shown me regarding this. I advise you to get a journal and even a bible if you desire and follow along. He is going to teach us how the enemy gets to us but more importantly how we cooperate with it without even knowing it. He is also going to show us what all of this means and how to do something about these things that keep happening to us over and over again. I don’t know that I need to say more because, like I said it is almost three hours itself broken into three separate teachings; the title of the series is, “The Cycle that Must be Broken” and it contains links to the chart and documents I am teaching from; remember, we are not grading me on the punctuation etc, these are just my notes I created while learning this so I felt like I would share them too – feel free to make your own :-). I wish you all the best with it and PLEASE share your feedback as this was in response to many emails I received on this topic and prayer requests. May God bless all of you. Until next time…

PS. This information is so critically important to help us change this in our lives that I really want you to listen slowly and only digest as much as you can before continuing. It is a video, so pause it and replay or re-listen as many times as you need to until it makes sense to you. If you get stuck on a part, go back over it again. Write down whatever comes to your own mind about what is being shared and take it to Him. Also PLEASE do not forget to pray before, during and even after viewing this information so God can speak to your heart regarding the “truth” behind all of this. You will not regret it, I promise!

PSS. I must tell you that during the making of this information, I had more computer glitches and crashes than I have ever experienced working on anything for this site. Now, that is normal to a degree as I know red legs doesn’t like me sharing anything with you, but this was over the top! I literally had everything I wrote and created disappear and get deleted three separate times… that is when I knew we were onto something big! I even had the entire computer crash when attempting to upload the videos so take that as an example of one of the “Principles” I shared with you – “How to take apart a demonic attack”. Remember in that one, God said that the enemy will only come after that which threatens him, so…. I guess this is really good stuff!

Video One: “The Incident”


Video Two: “The Cycle Explained”


Video Three: “The Remedy”


Why would we do anything without Him?…

Hello Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are all very blessed and having a great day!
This is now my second time writing this to you as my first one got completely deleted. Because of that I will focus harder on it as it now appears to be an even more important message. This message from our God seems to be expressing His desire to be inside every detail of our lives and to be a part of every issue good or bad. To be involved in every decision, big or small. You can hear in His voice the fact that He wants to be there, be included, and even ultimately to resolve our issues. We must remember that He created us for worship and conversation with Him. He created the heavens so that we can be among Him when we are finished our journey and calling here, He created the earth just to give us a place to live out our callings and to complete His will. Listen to our God as He explains both His willingness and desire to help as well as our ego driven and pride supported decision-making processes that we follow to do it ourselves. What foolish people we are? Who would you rather have get in the middle of your issues? Would you rather have us as flawed and wounded individuals who make decisions based on faulty belief systems and lies (remember we have ALL fallen short of the Glory of God), or would you rather have He who created heaven and earth and split the Red Sea with His breath? I don’t know about you, I am going to go for the second one EVERYTIME. Listen closely to what our God expresses to us about His desires and listen for where you may possibly be getting in the way of Him working in them. It is just like us humans to not follow His directions and complain about where we end up after. We have tried it our way, now let’s try it His.
I hope this speaks to some of you out there and that He can accomplish His will in and through you. I know He has done this in my life and I am absolutely sure He will do it in yours! Until next time brothers and sisters, may He bless you and solve all of your problems according to His greater good will and purpose. God bless.

Posting Date: October 14, 2021

Message Date: October 13, 2021

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the entire celestial court by my side. My son what I have just shown you this morning is a process or a roadmap if you will that I desire my children to know and more importantly to understand. My son so many of my children have fallen prey to their own ego and belief that due to their own abilities and/or intelligence that they are the best ones to solve their problems. Is that what my son taught you? Is that what the apostles who learned directly from Him or the disciples that He sent out into the world to do my will taught you? Ask yourself that question my children and then search the Scriptures for your answer. You will not find the answer you may be looking for in order to support your egos need for affirmation or to support that you are made to be that self-sufficient. You are taught to take it all to your God. This includes everything in your life, especially your thoughts; the place where the evil one conducts his best work and causes the most amount of damage in your actions toward yourself and others. Others I have placed in your lives for a reason possibly unknowns to you in the entirety of its purpose. He does this mostly by working through your fears. He then accesses another time in your life in your memories to prove to you that this must be a truth. This will then cause you to act on the fears as if they were a truth. My child you have taught on this before but it is such a tremendously important subject. My children, pray to me to understand this better. Your ministry, I myself put together, is to give them the tools that I have taught you (by “experiential understanding” as well as other ways of my choosing), so that they may learn to use them and to seek me in everything – every struggle as well as every joy. This will lead them out of the darkness if they so choose to use their gift of free will, freeing themselves from the bondage they are currently in. This will not be done on their own merit, for them it is impossible. It will be done by participation with me for with God all things are possible. Pass along to all who will listen, many once again are waiting for it. That is all my son, now go in peace and do that of which you are created to do… Teach. I love you my son, amen.

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