He IS Risen!!!! Along with a strange Good Friday Message…

Good morning my brothers and sisters and HAPPY EASTER!!!!

I wanted to make sure that even with my crazy schedule I got the following into your hands. You see I was sitting outside on my porch on Wednesday when I received a message that I was supposed to share by Easter; in the beginning of the message I was not sure exactly who was communicating this to me because it did not feel like one person expressing and as you can see it was actually the entire Trinity. The strange thing was that it didn’t end up being what I thought it might be – you know the fact of Jesus’ death and resurrection, but instead our Father seemed to be focused on seeing us free ourselves with His help from the bondage that so many of us live with on a daily basis! What a loving Father, determined to see us free and happy with Him. It was also strange for me to have Him refer to me in the message as many times as He did and refer to my story like this, but I guess this is all part of the “new” approach to this ministry. I actually began this writing this day with a question to Him about me and my purpose here. Usually He will answer those kind of questions privately, but it became clear as I wrote this that it wasn’t going to be that way with this answer. He was answering both of us at the same time. I have always remained in the background and been perfectly fine with being anonymous, but I guess those days are over and it is time to spread the word like never before – I believe it is because of the time we are entering soon which will bring on the great day of enlightenment. I even went as far as to create a Google Voice number for those of you who feel a need to discuss or speak to me about any of these “principles”.

So my brothers and sisters please listen to the attached message that our Father shared with me and follow along to the best of your ability. I will be sharing more on the “Principles” in the near future – I believe there are 26 of them. I will be discerning what more He wants me to do but if any of you need that number I created, just email me and I will get it to you. Thanks so much for listening brothers and sisters and I wish you all a very Happy Easter.

PS. By the way, the recording you are going to hear was recorded earlier in the week before the rest of everything took place so bear with any of the content, it is just the order in which these things happened.

Lord: My child be at peace, it is your Lord and God and Father along with my son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. My child you have been picked for a great mission and purpose; to help my children to become free and live who they are just like you. I have handpicked every part of your life for this purpose, not one thing involved in your life is a mistake or has happened by chance. Everything is as it should be. My son, I want you to tell all of my children that the same (and more) can and will happen for them if they would just follow the path you have walked; not the detail by detail repetition, but the acts of abandonment and self-denial placing all of your trust in me to take care of everything. These are the steps needed to reach your destination here with me my children. All of you can do this, no one is incapable of making these decisions. This is where your ministry (My ministry) comes in. You are to help them discover what may be hindering them so that they too can use the tools I have given and taught you. The same power to give and to receive from me is within them. My children follow what my disciple MatthewSix is giving you and use it to unlock the chains that are holding you back. For many of you this is your own doing brought on by the repeated negativity you have let spew from your own mouths and by doing so you have invited the evil one in to your lives. I don’t want to see this happen to any of you. My son died for all of you and I love you all with such a generous and forgiving heart that I wish none of you to suffer. For some of you what you suffer has little to do with you, but the rights to you are just the same. Either way my children you can break free of all of this and live the life I intended you to live. Just follow what you are told by my little prophet for I taught him so that you may receive. He has also had to live through many things such as trials and tribulations of his own so that he could understand in a very experiential way what he is talking to you about. His road has not been an easy one, but it has been blessed and now I call him to share it with you so that you can receive the same level of blessing I bring upon him. All of the issues many of you have and are upset or overwhelmed by, I take care of for him because that is who I am. You just have to completely surrender yourselves to me so that I can act. Give me permission and watch the impossible become possible; again my little prophet is a perfect example of that for you. Remember I know what you need before you even ask me and I have already prepared a way for those who have given themselves over to me in this way. Yes my children, I love you all so very much and I want to give you everything your heart’s desire if it be in my holy will for you. Please listen, follow and then apply what you learn and I will do the rest. This message was a surprise even to my disciple as he asked me what he could be doing to help complete or fulfill his mission here? This is my answer to him and to you. Do as I say and the rest will be taken care of. That is all my son, now go and share the message I have given to you today. Many of your brothers and sisters are waiting on my words. I love you my son, amen.

It appears to be time… (step one)

Good evening my brothers and sisters, as usual I hope this finds you well.
I spoke to you earlier about a mission and purpose that God had for me to do, I also shared with you His desire to have us all searching out the mission He has for all of us! I promised I would let you know more about my particular calling and now is the time to do so.
I may have appeared to have fallen away recently but that is not the case. Our incredible and ever loving God has given me what He promised! Shortly after the last post I gave you, my entire life turned upside down in a good way. I learned that I had to pack up a home and prepare to move on God’s notice. Sure enough, within days everything started to happen. To make a long story short, although I will share it with you at another time, the kids and I have been relocated to a new home and all of the provisions that God promised me for these last several years have been given to me in full. Now that He has done his part, I must do mine. For the last several years our Lord has been teaching me something He calls “the principles”. These are 20 some odd rules and functions that exist between heaven and earth. However, it is more appropriate to say that they “exist” in both and “function” in both. One definitely affects the other. As I teach you about these principles as time goes on you will see in your daily life what He means. This has led to our Father telling me it’s time to launch the ministry. I am absolutely scared to death and have no idea what I’m going to do, but that is exactly where He wants us so that He can become strong in our weaknesses. Believe you me, He has plenty of room to be strong here!

The ministry focuses on several different parts. I will give them to you in the manner in which He has taught them to me.

First, he wants me to teach you all what He has taught me about identifying the evil one. God said it was more important for us to identify the devil that was anything else. He wants us to learn to recognize him in all of his forms and disguises. He wants us to know our enemy so well that we can tell when he is encamping around us. Believe it or not this is the first thing He wants me to teach others; how to recognize the enemy.

The second thing he wants everyone to learn, after they discover who the enemy is, is “who they are”. He said we have forgotten that we are heirs to the kingdom and children of the Almighty! Just like any family inheritance, there are gifts and powers associated with this that we have yet to tap into. He said we are walking around this world suffering needlessly every single day because we don’t know who we are and we don’t take advantage of all that comes with it as His children. This is something that I did not think about myself as I have gone through these years feeling the oppression of the evil one. He is very intelligent and He knows the system better than we do. God said He has been using it against us for all of our lives and that it is time to level the playing field and make it fair.

My brothers and sisters these principles when used correctly can and will change your life. I have seen firsthand! I am very excited but also very nervous to walk out there and expose myself, but this is what the Lord has asked. I will continue to share with you any messages that He asks me to, but until I find the platform that this ministry will be launched on I guess I will use this as a backdrop. I ask your prayers for me in this ministry because I am starting this from the ground up and I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with it. Do not worry however, God is a great teacher and He has always provided every answer I ever needed – this will be no different! If any of you out there are familiar with starting a podcast or a YouTube channel please feel free to send information to my email address associated with this blog (matthewsix25to34@gmail.com). These are two things our Lord has asked me to study.

I am not going to drag this out too long as I’m sure I could write pages on this is that would seem to go on forever. Instead my brothers and sisters I am going to create an audio file and share it with you below. I wish you all every blessing that God has to offer and then urge you to take advantage of calling them out. Until next time, God bless!

Make this your primary desire to understand

Good afternoon my brothers and sisters, as always I hope this post finds you well.
I wanted to reach out to you today for a couple of reasons. As you will see in this post, it is very important that we are seeking with all that we have to find God in our lives and the reason that He created us. This is the central theme for today; to earnestly desire understanding why God made us and to specifically learn about our calling? This is something near and dear to me as I have spent many years in search of this. This brings me to another one of my announcements today. For many years, actually 25 of them, I have remained the hidden disciple. This is absolutely how I like it and I have no desire to change it, however God seems to have other plans. He has asked me to make this now my more full-time position in the world and has given me instructions as to what to do about it. I can tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not what I set out to do; I thought that I would only have to get on here every once in a great while and share a message with you. But lately God has shown me the importance of the times we are living and what I was created to do here. I’ll announce more about this in the very near future. For now let me share this post with you that our Lord gave me in October and that He stressed the importance of for everyone!
Brothers and sisters I urge you to listen to this message with your heart and to follow it up with your prayer. God will answer all the questions you have so do not be afraid to ask Him. I am open and eager to hear your comments and your experiences after implementing His wish for all of you. I will be back sooner than I anticipated and I will fill you in on more at that time. Have a very blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving brothers and sisters!

October 17, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, it is your Lord and God and Father. My son all that I have told you about will soon come to pass for all of my children regardless of their personal beliefs. This is why it is so important to keep putting me and my calling on your life in front of everything else. Your entire purpose here, as it should be for all of my children, must be to fulfill what I called you to be and the purpose for my having created you. None of you are made on accident or by mistake. You all have a specific purpose or reason for your creation it comes to my plan or desires for this world and my church; of which you are a member of the body. Make this your primary desire to understand and complete while you are here on earth my children and then what awaits you afterwards eye has not seen and ear has not heard. When you do this my children, I will in turn provide everything else you could possibly ever need. Doesn’t that sound fair to you my child? This is the secret my son, if there was one, for my children to understand. Seek me and the reason I have put you here and I will take care of the rest. This is your calling my children, get started on it before it’s too late. That is all my son, now spread the word I have given you and get some sleep. I love you, amen.

An audio file to go along with this…

“Soon All Will See Their Soul As I See It”

                                                          I urge all of you to PLEASE watch this!

“The Scary Truth – what a hidden plan”
What will you find if you look deeply?





The post I’m going to share with you is regarding a day that is coming where we will all know the truth whether we like it or not. Now I know my brothers and sisters when I have upset the evil one because he tries to stop me. I am trying to put this post out as recently as last week, but as soon as I sat down to do so my computers could not access the Internet any longer that evening. This does not discourage me, it only drives me forward because I know he is afraid of you learning this! So please read on my brothers and sisters and take heed to His words, for that day will surely arrive. God bless until next timeโ€ฆ.

By the way I must make a note that although you see pictures that are pointing out one movie to watch, this by no means influenced this message at this time – in fact the message I received came before I saw this movie myself. But it does start to explain how the evil one has been able to control so many at one time from a very hidden and trance like place in all of our lives. Lord thank you for exposing a TRUTH!

September 26, 2020

Lord: My child be a peace, is I your Lord and God and Father. The day of awakening is close my son. Soon all will see what I see when I look at them. Soon all will see their soul as I see it. What will they see? What will you see yourself? For all it will be a day of enlightenment, but that should be followed by a day of atonement. Mankind has lost their way. They have chosen to live in a world that I created for them without me. The evil one controls their minds by the way that he influences the media and the way my children have worshiped their false idols (I make note that this part personally felt to me to be very strong regarding the media as well as devices – especially cell phones and computers). So very few have recognized him as the reason for all of this mayhem and chaos that your world has been thrown into. The sad thing is that he would gain no ground at all or have even the slightest victory if my children would say, “no” to his invitations to sin. He has no power over you if you do not cooperate with him. He may have influence over some, because of how the laws of spirit in your world work together. But I have given you the tools that you need to dismantle his hold on you. Please use these tools my children; known to you my son as “The Principles”. You have the ability and the authority to stop and even remove all that he has won as a judgment over you. My son his power is a lie to many, but many have chosen to believe this lie. This is what you are listening to when you choose to listen to the news as some of my children do. Don’t do that to yourself, is one of the strongest areas Satan possesses control of in order to control you. Prayer is the answer my children. Prayer and repentance. Pray to me and ask me to expose the lies in your life, then repent for whatever part you have had a responsibility in. You will be surprised as to what some of those things may be. Do this my children; pray and repent and the day I spoke of earlier to you shall go well for you. That is all my son, now go in peace and spread the word that I have given to you. They are waiting on it. I love you my son, Amen.

It is time to Expose the TRUE enemy and fight the REAL fight!!!!

Hello my brothers and sisters, I hope you are doing well!

As I promised, I would dedicate a full audio track just exposing the evil one and sharing what God has asked me to share about him. I want you to know that when I sat down to complete this I literally had “all hell” break lose around me – which means he REALLY wanted to stop me from what I was about to do. This happened when I put out the last post as well. Well unlucky for him that only makes me more determined to do what I was asked to do NOT less! So brothers and sisters, please listen through this completely unedited audio clip of what he so desperately did NOT want you to hear from me. May you all follow with prayer against him and expose him in your own lives! Until next time brothers and sisters. God bless!!!

By the way please bear with me as you listen to this, the kids were sleeping and I was constantly being distracted by noises so sometimes I am trying to recall on what I last said and sometimes I am louder than others. Thanks!

Our Lord is Frustrated with Us! We are not fighting the REAL enemy!!!!!

God present in His Spirit

Who do you think is fueling this?

Who do you think is behind this?






Good evening brothers and sisters, I hope this finds you well.
I have to apologize up front because I know this will be viewed as sensitive nature in the climate we are currently in but I believe that is the point. I have titled this blog post, “our Lord is frustrated with us”because of what He has shared with me about how He feels when He views his children and what they are doing in the world.
Brothers and sisters I have shared with you briefly that God was working on something very big with me and that I would inform you of it when it was time. The time now seems to be approaching and I will tell you this, our Father has shared with me that He is less upset about the parting of His church and the separations that mankind developed in it (see previous post about God having no partiality) than He is about the fact that we are not rallying against the evil one together regardless of our denominations. He has given me many tools and showed me how to use them when it comes to fighting the adversary. All of these I promise to teach you all when the time arrives. Needless to say the evil one knows the rules and the laws that govern the spirit and this world, he also knows how they interact with each other and he is a master of manipulating them just as he did with Job and getting permission over the apostles to sift them as wheat; he has been using them against us for a very long time. I will probably make an audio clip to go along with this one because it deserves some teaching and understanding. For now please hear how our Father has responded to everything going on. Those with ears ought to hear….

Update: You would not believe how many times I was harassed during the creation of this post…. more so than possibly ever before; and that says a lot! This can only be because of the fact we are exposing the true enemy and the one that deserves our fight. To show him how foolish that was, I am going to make an audio link that will explain this much better than a written post. See what he gets when he picks on one of God’s children? We FIGHT back! Another loss in his column because now you will all find out what I am talking about. What a fool he is! It will always back fire on him.

June 9, 2020

My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My son I have started to reclaim my people and this world once again. This is the reason for the escalation of violence that has taken over your country. A country blessed by me and chosen among all of them to protect the truth and be a teacher to anyone who would listen. The evil one is behind all of the violence. He has stirred up a rebellious people to cause harm and to mitigate the good message my children are trying to convey. My son the world has a decision to make; does it want to choose me and bring peace to society or do they wish to choose revenge and hatred for one another? The choice is theirs, but either way there is a determined time for me to reclaim all that is mine. That time is upon you. Do not be surprised at what you see for the evil one is fighting with all that he can to stop my plan. At this time I am once again blowing my spirit across the world to wake up mankind and for them to feel the need to repent for their sins and change their lives. Once again the choice is up to them. I place before you life and death my children; to whatever you reach I will give to you, even if that means I give you up to the desires of the flesh. For your last chance at salvation my child is to tell my children that my Son Jesus stands as mediator between the judge and they need to call on Him for His forgiveness and His mercy. That is all my son, now go and get some sleep. Those with ears ought to hear. I love you, amen.

Nature is returning back to its Roots…. So should we says Our Father

Look how peaceful they look coming back

They were here first!








Our best answer yet!




Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope you are all doing as well as possible and you are all safe!
I can’t begin to tell you how much I have to share with you but I tried to discern what our Lord wants me to be giving you at what time. There is an overriding theme that I received from Him which keeps pointing out the importance of the good that He has brought out of this tragedy. Brothers and sisters as our Lord has pointed out to me several times, He did not bring this upon us but in many ways our sins did. He however makes a crooked way straight and He brings all things to work for His good including this. I mentioned in a recent post about the observations of families and how people seem to be coming together now more than they ever have; this is an example of the good He is doing. In this post this evening, our Father makes mention of the fact that nature is returning back to its roots, whether it be land or sea. We are seeing animals acting as if their natural habitats have been restored to some degree. What I pray for everyone during this is that whatever purpose or reason He is reaching out to you that it may be completed and fulfilled according to his will. Thank you my brothers and sisters for listening and I will now transcribe what our Lord gave me about this for all of you. May God bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon all of you! Until next time my brothers and sisters, God bless!

April 21, 2020

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. My child the world is in desperate need of healing. This is true for my children as well as the earth I created for you to live in. Even now as we speak like this, there are parts of the world – my perfect creation – that are getting a long overdue break from all of the poisons you release into it on a daily basis. You have seen my created wildlife starting to return to areas that used to be their homes. This is true on land and at sea. My son the reason I am pointing this out to you is to show others to learn by looking at that part of creation and to see it returning back to its roots. Mankind must do the same thing. It must return to me their God if there is any hope of being saved. I want the world to take a break from all of its busyness and return to a simpler time where they were not too busy to sit with me and to talk to me. A time when patience had to be a normal part of their day and they didn’t expect to solve their problems in the blink of an eye the way your technology has trained you to be now. My child there is not much time left before I have to intervene and put an end to this apparent reign of evil that has taken over the hearts and minds of so many of my children. This evil will come to an end my son but in the meantime I wish all of my children to cry out to me so I can show them the error of their ways; some are aware of what they are doing, others not so much. There is coming a day my child when all will see what they have done. I am trying to reach as many of them as I can before that glorious day falls upon you so that they have an enjoyable experience and not the sorrowful one so many souls are now being prepared to experience. Come and be with me my children and I will enlighten you as to what you need to do to make it as good for you as is possible with the current state of your souls. I am coming my children, how much I wish you to be prepared when the bridegroom arrives. That is all my son, now go and share with all who will listen. Those with ears ought to hear. I love you my son, amen.

Please forgive the “P”‘s and the popping sounds, I was close to the microphone and I had to talk quietly in order to not wake the kids…

Could something else be coming if we don’t repent?…..


Will this protect your soul?


Or this?…

This is what we need from them – Humility!

Our “Vaccine”…

Good evening my brothers and sisters, I hope this post finds you well! There is so much for me to cover with you as God has been very active during this time, but I am sharing with you something I feel is a top priority or a hierarchy of needs if you will. Although our Lord has been very vocal about what is going on in society right now and I have many things to share with you, I feel the fact that he has mentioned “something else coming” as an important topic. I imagine you would agree with me as we sit in unprecedented times for the world and the church. Our Father continues to emphasize the importance of turning to Him during this pandemic. As a little boost of confirmation, I was searching for the pictures that our Lord showed me in prayer tonight and I came across a story that Hulk Hogan of all people actually put out on his Instagram. He gets it, a celebrity who actually understands that God is in this! Once again my brothers and sisters I will repeat what our Lord told me; he did not bring this to us but our own sin did and we need to do something about it. You will see some pictures at the top of this post that show what lengths people have gone to in order to try and protect themselves and you will also see some pictures of what lengths people have gone to to reach out to God. He is our vaccine my brothers and sisters, He is our answer. I will probably do an audio bit for this as well and attach it whenever I can. I hope you hear His words clearly brothers and sisters for He has been adamant about turning back to Him! God bless you and I will do what I can to get other posts out to you as I am able. Stay safe, stay on your knees in humility and call out to Him – He will answer you!

March 26, 2020

Note: I was heading off to bed when I was directed to write this.

Lord: (Yes my son write what I tell you)ย  My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Not long from now and you will hear another tragedy that will befall mankind. My children have in large part not turned back to me as their God and Father. Many have returned home to their families; some against their own will, but few have returned to me. Because of this another wake-up call must be sent to them in hopes of them repenting of their ways and seeking my forgiveness. The United States will suffer financial burden but all who call upon me will be saved in various ways. Other parts of the world will suffer their own fate due to the worshiping of idols and the lack of moral compass they are guided by. All of this my son can and will be used for good if my children would just call out my name. I wait as an eager parent does for the return of their lost children. You can lessen the effects of all of these things by your fasting and your prayer. The laws are established in heaven and they can be worked to your advantage or your disadvantage; that is largely up to you and your decisions. Come home my children, your loving Father awaits your return. That is all my son now go in peace. I love you, amen.


Hulk Hogan’s article I mentioned (check out his instagram page for a great message and picture)


Lets NOT miss out on the time He has given us in this! Lets Repent NOW….

Hello my brothers and sisters, I pray you are all well.

As promised I wanted to share with you some of my insight I have learned listening to Our Lord speak about this virus and what He appears to be doing using it for His good; this includes my “own” perspective as well! God bless!

More posts to come after this, but for now these are in my own words. If you need clarification to any of it, comment and I will respond to the best of my ability.

Divine Mercy Instructions During CoronaVirus time!

Hello my brothers and sisters, I hope you all are well!

I was praying this morning as to what to do about the requirements for Divine Mercy Sunday this year as we cannot go to confession or receive communion as we normally would. I thought it ironic that after that prayer I came across this link; it was pretty much verbatim what He lead me to do on my own? Every year my family follows and prays the Divine Mercy Novena in order to obtain complete and full forgiveness of sins and the temporal punishment due to them. I have explained to my kids that this is more important than anything else they could ever do while alive on earth! I have other posts to follow with what our Lord has shared with me, but due to the timing (tomorrow being Divine Mercy Sunday) I felt like this was more important. I will also be doing a sound-cloud file to explain a few of the things God the Father has been explaining to me about what is going on and I think that would be a better format than writing to you would. Please pass this along to any (Catholic or not) brother or sister you know who wishes to take advantage of this grace! Thank you my brothers and sister and I will be back soon. May God bless everyone and Happy Dive Mercy Sunday to you all ๐Ÿ™‚
