My Dream in 2010 (as it occurred that night)

Hello my brothers and sisters I hope this message finds you well.

If you have followed these writings over the years, you may be aware that I once mentioned a
long and powerful dream I had in 2010. I did not share this dream as I only share what I feel
God leads me to share. Recently I have been prompted to share this dream, so I will do so after a brief
bit of background.

The night of the dream I had gone to bed after prayer as usual, and had no problem falling deeply
asleep. I woke up at least five or six times that evening, and each time that I awoke and fell back to
sleep, I would return to the dream exactly where I had left off. The next morning I felt that it might
have been a prophetic dream. Because I rely on the intuitions that I receive in my soul, I recorded
the dream in my journal, puzzling a little over it.

Even just five years ago, the world did not seem to be in the condition that it is today. Because I try to
remain obedient to the messages I receive in my soul, I am going to do the best I can to put this in
writing for you. Please bear with me as dreams are sometimes hard to translate into writing. In a little
while I’ll post what I personally believe this dream may mean. For now, here is the dream itself for you
to ponder.

As the dream opened I was standing with a group of people on a grassy strip at the side of an exit ramp
from a very busy highway. The curving exit was slightly above our position, and was a hard right
turn for cars leaving the highway. Standing about 15 feet away from us, right in the middle of the lower
end of the ramp, was a large black bear standing on his hind legs. He was about 12 to 15 feet tall.

The cars speeding around the bend in the exit ramp were smashing into each other, their drivers
screaming in fury that somebody had the stupidity to hit them and cause them harm. We realized that
none of the drivers recognized the bear as the real cause of the accidents. We were amazed that
although we could clearly see that the bear was responsible, none of the drivers involved were even
looking at him, continuing instead to fight with each other.

This melee continued for some time until there were at least 90 cars in the pileup. Those of us standing
on the grassy verge kept making phone calls to the authorities, relating what was happening. Each time
a call was made the authority on the other end showed absolutely no concern. They were not startled
or bothered by the fact that so much damage was occurring against these people. Finally, after some
time someone started screaming, “Does anyone have a gun?” A voice in the group answered back,
“How could we? They’ve taken them all!”

Gradually, a few of the drivers did begin to see the bear and realized that he was the one responsible.
They decided that although their vehicles were badly damaged, they could still use them as devices to
go after the bear. Two or three drivers began using their vehicles to drive him off. As these few
vehicles started to chase the bear away, I saw the 8 foot tall chain-link fence with a wire top that
lined the entire exit ramp. The bear seemed to sense that he was in trouble and fled by jumping
over the fence into the large area of land on the other side. I immediately looked to my left and there
was a woman wearing a uniform and holding a rifle. I suddenly knew that this bear was going to try to
get underground to a place I had not even seen yet, in order to attack the civilization of people that lived
there. I asked the woman , “Will this kill it?” She answered, “The medicine in the dart would put it to
sleep, but eventually it would suffocate and die.”

The bear knew exactly who this woman was and had total hatred in its eyes for her, as well as for me.
Even though it was several hundred yards away, it stared directly at me with its dead eyes which clearly
communicated, “How dare you?” The anger it held for me was something I’ll never forget. To this day
it brings chills. The uniformed woman standing next to me, who I knew was at least an angel if not more,
asked me to keep perfectly still and not to move. She took one shot at the bear which hit it directly in
the neck, and this put it down almost immediately. She then said that I had to go with her so she could
show me what this bear was after. We were on the inside of the chain-link fence, and had to walk along
a very narrow edge of what seemed like thin rock, to get to the entrance where we were going to make
our way down under the ground. I saw that this was a very scary edge that we were walking along,
where one could slip and fall, but I knew that I was in good hands.

Upon entering the underground area, I saw enormous auditoriums carved out of solid rock. Each
one housed thousands of people. (For those of you who saw Pink Floyd’s, The Wall, this might be the
best explanation I can give, as the people were just staring at the screens) Each one of these rooms
had different things playing on screens that were larger than anything I’d ever seen in my life.
What amazed me most about all of these people was that as we walked through each and every room
not one person took their eyes off the screens. It was as if they had absolutely no awareness
whatsoever beyond the screens that they were watching. I also knew instantly that if the bear had
gotten down to these rooms, none of the people would have even noticed that they were under attack,
being in a trancelike numbness which would have allowed him to chew and kill them without their even
caring. I realized how many people had been saved by the actions of the woman.

All of a sudden we were back up top on the large area of land between the chain-link fence and the
bear, but now the appearance of the land was different. I saw several men standing around what
appeared to be a standing luggage rack, which was draped over a metal bar. The bag appeared to be a
zippered luggage bag, large enough to hold many clothes. I was told by these men that my job was to
put my hand inside the bag and pull out what was in it. It was draped in such a way that half of it was
exposed on each side of the bar. I intuitively knew that whatever was inside was not going to be
pleasant to extract. The side of the bag nearest me had three zippered pouches and I reached my
hand into each of the first two, encountering nothing to remove. I looked over at one of the
gentlemen who said, “You do know you have to open the last one, don’t you?” Although I didn’t
want to do this, I unzipped the third area and a liquid-like material started to bleed out. I reached my
hand in, not sure of what I was going to encounter. As I did I suddenly knew that I was pulling out the
Word of God, which had become something no longer respected by the people. It had been hidden
away and forgotten, like an old, musty book. I also knew that what I held in my hands also represented
the church, which had suffered greatly!

As I held the book, I looked over at the men. One of them said, “You need to throw that in the water.” I
asked, “What water?”, for there had previously been no water nearby. He pointed behind me to what
was now a small stream, running in the middle of the grassy median where I had previously been
standing. It appeared to be merging into a slightly larger body of water. I took the book and tossed it
towards the stream. As I did this, the book changed into a small fish which I didn’t think had much of a
chance to live. But as it continued to swim towards the larger body of water the men told me to, “Stand
back!” I asked them why as it appeared that nothing was a threat. They told me once again, “Stand
back!” I did as they instructed, and watched this fish take on a size, strength and power that I could
never have imagined! This fish had become a force to be reckoned with, and nothing was going to hurt

I returned to the men standing by the luggage. Once again the landscape changed and they pointed
in a new direction, telling me that I had to go there. When I looked where the luggage rack used to be,
there was now a tree with many crosses leaning against it. I was instructed to go and choose one of
these crosses. I was not sure what I was supposed to do with it, but at this point I knew I had to be
obedient. I picked a cross and was then told by the men that I had to walk with it to the end of the road.
I placed this cross upon my shoulder and started the long walk down that exit ramp on the other side of
the fence. I don’t know exactly how long it was, but I was very tired by the time I got to the where it
ended in a big open field. Lots and lots of people, were standing and conversing with one another.
Some were partying and others were having serious talks, but everybody was doing something. I knew I
had been sent to plant the cross in the field, and as I did I looked around at all those who I thought
would be looking at me with the cross. To my amazement none of them even noticed me or the cross. I
then knew I had to return to the men at the tree so I walked back again. The men were still there and
they told me, “Take another one.” So I placed a cross upon my shoulder again and walked down this
long, long ramp, again arriving at the open field and placing this cross next to the first one. Once again,
no one seemed to notice.

Then a few of the people started to notice me and elbowed each other and pointed. They were not
affected much more than that and still stayed in their own conversations. I was completely exhausted at
this point, but knew I had to return to the tree once more. I would guess that from the tree to the field
and back was about ten miles. I returned to the men and saw that this time a Franciscan cross stood
before me. I knew this was the cross I had to bear as God had asked me to take Francis as my
Confirmation name. I had no energy left whatsoever, but I started down the long road one last time. I
Felt like I couldn’t do it this time as I was completely spent and utterly exhausted from all the previous
events. Besides, I thought, no one cared what I was doing down there. However, I knew my calling was
to bring this cross and disobedience was not an option for me. So I carried it down to the end of the
ramp, and on to the field once again, placing it in the ground by the others. I was beyond tired and
thought, “Why am I even doing this? They don’t even seem to care?” However, as I leaned over to rest
my back after placing my cross in the ground, I saw a cardboard box which I knew I had to reach into.
As I did so I immediately noticed that I had a microphone and earphones on my head. I also saw that as
I spoke, the people who had been so unobservant before were now of a completely different nature.
The words that I was speaking were now appearing on a huge screen as large as the ones that had been
located underground. As I was speaking and sharing the words God had given me, those words
appeared upon the screen as fast as I spoke them. Just about everyone there was elbowing their
friends or the person next to them and pointing to the screen. Whatever had happened to them had
made an effect that was life changing. Nothing else now mattered to them but the words from God..

At this time I awoke from my dream and started my day. The presence of the dream stayed with me not only that entire day, but for months I could see every bit of what I saw that night.

I am giving this to you as I saw it and without explanation as I said earlier. I hope this somehow makes sense to you and that He may reach you with whatever meaning it has for you. Please share your comments in the section for them as I would like to see what it says to all of you. Thank you for your time in reading this and please continue to pray for the work He has given. Yours in Christ,

God bless.

He asks us to keep our eyes open…

Looks like He did a pretty good job!

Looks like He did a pretty good job!


The Proud and Arrogant think they can do better.

The Proud and Arrogant think they can do better.


May we keep oil in our Lamps and our eyes open...

May we keep oil in our Lamps and our eyes open…








Good evening my brothers and sisters,

I am sorry I have not put another message on this site in a couple of weeks, it seems like everyday I mean to get to it I run out of time. Believe me I know raising five children can be enough, but there seems to be something more going on. As I sat and did my morning prayers on the twenty third I felt God speak to me and ask me to write. As I did I heard another message from a Father who loves us and pines for us to listen to Him before its too late. Please read along and let His words penetrate the hardest of hearts. I don’t want to be the one to bring ill will against our modern day scientists, but something has to be done to stop these people before they ruin us all with their truly evident and evil agenda. You can actually feel the evil in what they are doing day by day, at least that is speaking for me. Enjoy and comment to let others know how it made you feel and what your eyes have seen. Until next time.   By the way after I received this I noticed every article or story I saw that day had to do with GMO foods and the level of toxin we are now forced to ingest….. “Sad”.


February 23, 2015

Lord: My son good morning, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Be at peace my son, but do not sleep. Now more than ever you must be vigilant. Keep your eyes and ears open. Can you feel it my son? Can you feel that the time has been quickened? It had to be, for my adversary and yours; Satan, has been working very hard to erode and ultimately destroy all that I have built and that my son sacrificed for. The greed and lust for sinful desires has grown so wide that even my workers in the vineyard; my chosen ones in the church, have had a tremendous struggle. Your air has been saturated with sin and now you can see that when you cooperate with evil you only give it more permission to do the next thing on its agenda. Make no mistake about it my children, you are where you are because of your choices not mine. I never intended to see my creation end up like this. I made everything perfect, but your scientist seem to have decided that they have a better way to make your food. “Arrogance”! Who do they think they are? Did I not make everything perfect? Did I not design the body as well as the food to go perfectly together? Have they not attempted to take on the role of God? Mark my words my children, I will not be mocked. Do not sit back idly as they try to remove and or change my creation. Do not buy what they are selling you, for it is all lies. Trust my children and I will lead you to truth. As I said earlier, open your eyes so that you can see what is in front of you. “I” will provide, not them. Their day is coming, I am bringing light back into the world. Pray my children, pray that I may enlighten you as to where you must look to see the things I have spoken of here today. That is all my son, now go in peace and keep your eyes open. I love you all, amen.